December thru March 3 Joint Winter Training Schedule is up! Head over to Flame’s MindBody site to sign up for sessions. If you are having problems please contact Marty #goflame #wintertraining #NoTrainNoGain
**Remember to go in and remove your player from a training session if you can not make it to allow for anyone on the waitlist to be notified that there is now room.
Lastly, so that we can better understand the demand for certain classes and times so that we can make adjustments to the schedule to better accommodate our families, please let Marty know if there are any classes that your player is interested in but maybe can’t find openings for. Marty knows there is a need for more level 2 hitting sessions, and less on Level 1 sessions. Please let Marty know if there are any classes that your player is interested in but maybe can’t find openings for. Marty knows there is a need for more level 2 hitting sessions, and less on Level 1 sessions.